
For reference, see the module fractions.

We provide a customizable way to handle fractions. In general, all fractions should be defined using the frac() function provided in the fractions module. Not doing so may lead to undesirable behaviors (i.e., errors).

To make a fraction, simply follow this guide:

from pabutools.fractions import frac, str_as_frac

# Define a fraction
fraction = frac(1, 4)

# Define a fraction from an integer
fraction_from_int = frac(2)

# Define a fraction from a float
fraction_from_int = frac(2.6)

# Define a fraction from a string
fraction_from_str = str_as_frac("2.3")

By default, the gmpy2 module is used to handle fractions. To change this, simply change the value of the FRACTION constant.

import pabutools.fractions

# The default value
pabutools.fractions.FRACTION = "gmpy2"

# Change to Python float
pabutools.fractions.FRACTION = "float"

Changing the FRACTION constant changes the algorithm used to handle fractions.